Saturday, October 22, 2011

Day 12 - Iron!

After smelting down the iron, I decided to craft a better sword with it. Maybe with my new iron sword, I can keep exploring at dark. I had a little bit of iron left, but not enough for anything else. I think I'll craft an iron pickaxe if I find any more. I've went through one stone one already, and I'm on my second one now. I decided to go out and cut some trees today so I would have enough wood for torches. I made my torches by combining coal and a stick together. They last quite some time! But I think I'm going to stock up on food before I go any deeper as well. I've learned that things may not be what they seem to be here, so I'm taking every precaution.


  1. You've got an interesting and consistant story going on! I like! Reading through all of these :).

  2. If he was a viking shouldn't he be traveling on water? :s

  3. I'm not sure what this guy is exactly but one things for sure he's a hell of a man. A manly, man, man. Keep up with the good work buddy, I mean man!

  4. I skip a couple of days and you've already got iron technology. You're on a roll!

  5. nice blog dude.
    follow me back :)
